The objective of the Environmental Award of the Year competition is to establish the outstanding deeds that have significantly increased environmental awareness or improved environmental protection carried out within 12 months prior to the announcing of the competition.
Application requirements:
- The competition is open for all nominations, including of employees and public servants of the Ministry of the Environment or of state authorities in the subordination of the latter;
- Self-nomination is allowed;
- The nominated environmental deed must be completed by the end of the competition;
- The nominated environmental deed may not be carried out for the purpose of profit;
- An electronic application must be completed for participating in the competition (in Estonian).
All nominated deeds shall be uploaded for public evaluation and the Ministry of the Environment shall provide the means for evaluation in media and/or on the webpage of the Ministry of the Environment.
To assess the nominated works, the Ministry of the Environment shall convene an evaluation committee, the composition of which shall be announced on the webpage of the competition.
Ten works with the most votes shall be presented to the evaluation committee.
The terms and conditions of the Environmental Award of the Year competitions can be found here (in estonian).