In the competition ENVIRONMENT-FRIENDLY ENTERPRISE OF THE YEAR, 21 enterprises participated and 29 applications were submitted in three categories. The winner in the category of environmental management was Werrowool OÜ, which is about to finish the implementation of the environmental management system in compliance with EMAS Regulation.
In the same category, DPD Eesti AS and DHL Estonia AS were recognized for outstanding work. A special prize was given to Pärnu Ülejõe Kindergarten.
In the category of environmentally friendly product/service, there were two winners this time — Werrowool OÜ, which produces environment- and health-friendly innovative insulation material from local waste paper and AusDesign OÜ, which produces with its collaboration partners new clothes out of leftovers of clothing industry by using upcycling production process. In the category of environmentally friendly product/service the jury also recognized Bikeep OÜ for smart solutions and Tallinna Paberikoda OÜ.
The winner in the category of environment-friendly production process was Saidafarm OÜ for the idea of recycling the cooling water of milk tanks. Pursuant to the innovative system, the water put into circulation is sorted into three different containers according to its temperature and the water of different temperatures is reused in different activities of the farm. The jury also acknowledged Green Marine AS, which developed in collaboration with foreign engineers a novel, innovative production process for oily waste handling and Sisustusekspert AS, which is using only the heat released from the cooling system of the store to heat the building and produce hot water.